
Posts Tagged ‘Kurt Russell’

The first blog of a new year, and I feel the pressure to come up with something innovative and special. Words that will inspire you (and me) to reach for the stars in the next 12 months. I have noticed over the years, however, that pressure and creativity do not make good bedfellows. I’ve also noticed that everywhere I look right now – newspaper and magazine headlines, conversations among friends, and even the topics of interviews I’ll be doing later this week – the focus is on setting goals, making resolutions and “getting it right” this year.

So, in the interest of my sanity and yours, this blog is NOT about goals and resolutions. Whew!

It’s about dreams. And for me, that already sounds and feels a lot more relaxed and inviting.

Over the holidays, I watched a few movies. Even though they were chosen randomly, there was an underlying theme. In each one, the main character was pursuing a dream that others said was impossible. In the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles, the dreamer continued to take steps, unfazed, and one by one each obstacle dissolved.

One movie was “The World’s Fastest Indian” starring Anthony Hopkins. It’s based on a true story of a man from New Zealand who had an Indian motorcycle from the 1920’s that he’d worked on for years, making it the fastest in Australia. His dream was to go to the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah, U.S.A. to see just how fast it could go. It’s inspiring to watch his quiet determination and unflinching belief that he will ultimately achieve his goal.

Another was “Dreamer” with Kurt Russell and Dakota Fanning. Once again, inspired by a true story. It’s about a thoroughbred racehorse that fractures a leg. Instead of putting it down, Russell takes it home, restores it to health, and expects to breed it hoping to turn his financial situation around. That doesn’t work out and it looks like the family is facing complete disaster. One challenge after another feeds his fears that the worst is imminent. His young daughter knows how to dream bigger, however, and the ending is beyond anything her father could have imagined. Another example of how powerful fears can be, and what can happen when we allow ourselves to dream beyond fear.

With these stories in my mind, I sat down to dream on the weekend. I realize I have no idea what 2011 will bring. When I look back on 2010, I’m astonished at some of my achievements, so I’m sure the coming year will be equally surprising. What I do know is how I’d like to live in 2011 – with joy, ease and grace.  And so, every day, I’ll be asking myself how I can bring more of these qualities into all that I do.

How about you? How do you want to live in the coming year?

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