
Posts Tagged ‘Extraordinary Women TV’

As we enter the first full week of 2013, I’ve been developing my dreams for the coming year. For me, the first step is the most fun – the dreaming part. This is where I get to spend time envisioning what might be possible. There are no limits here, no editing to be done. Gradually, the vision will become more clearly defined, and that’s when I’ll focus on steps to take toward that dream.

Until then, I’m very selective about who I talk to about the dream. If I mention it too soon, well-meaning friends and family may trample all over my emerging ideas with comments like, “you’ve got to be practical.” Or “how can you make any money at that?”

Once I have a plan, then I’ll seek the support of someone who believes in me and my dreams. But until then, I’ll keep the magical visions to myself as they dance, swirl, merge and morph into my dream for 2013.

Apparently I’m not the only one. As I discovered today, there’s another dreamer out there just like me. Tonight, Shannon Skinner will debut her Extraordinary Women television show on Rogers TV CableĀ 10 and 63 in Scarborough/Toronto. She describes her journey to achieving this dream in her recent blog in the HuffingtonPost.

So dream on, all you dreamers! There’s strength in numbers, and there’s no telling what we can accomplish this year!

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